With the holiday season coming to an end, I have realized a few important things & established a few new goals for 2015.
I have learned:
- To value the little moments.
- To take more pictures to remember those moments.
- To take stressful situations & break them into simpler steps to solve.
- That family & friends are immeasurably valuable.
My goals for 2015:
- (The classic one) To eat healthier & exercise. Here's that trick, I'm not setting this goal with a specific weight limit to lose or value to hit, but rather with the goal of simply feeling more energetic, healthier & all around bettering myself.
- To stay organized consistently. I love schedules, planners and organized rooms, but one thing thrown on the floor seems to spiral into a messy room that doesn't get cleaned for weeks. This year I hope to put things in their place right after I used them to avoid the spiral of disorganization.
- To be kind & understanding. I want to love others and listen to them more. I try and do this every year & sometimes it is not an easy task, but each year I make it a goal.
- To write more blog posts & upload more YouTube videos. This blog is such a passion and love of mine & I want to create more content that is interesting, fun and quality to post for you guys to read! I also love filming, editing and creating videos! I plan to upload more regularly and test my creativity on both of these platforms.
- To read more. I love literature, especially poetry, but sometimes I can't seem to find the time to read. This year I hope to read more, so that I can not only dive into an amazing book, but so I can spend more time thinking, writing and dreaming.
The New Year is a time that I think is valuable. It is a chance to revamp your life, reflect on what happened in the past years and use what you learned to improve the upcoming year. 2015 is an opportunity to become a "you" who makes you inspired.
So keep dreaming, keep loving & stay postive.
What goals have you set for 2015?
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!