If you are like me, you love collecting images and creating vision boards that make you happy & inspired...a.k.a. "Pinteresting." But there is another site I love using to find inspiration and items for my future bedroom, office or closet:
I mostly use the site to create home decor or fashion themed vision boards, but if you want to create magazine layouts or art collages - just do it! *Shia LaBeouf's voice*
So, what is a vision board?
A place to collect images, quotes or designs that inspire and match your vision. I use vision boards to get ideas for events I plan, rooms I design or outfits I want. As the name suggests, it is creating a "board" of inspiration photos and quotes that match the vision you have for whatever you're designing.
A few of the collections I created are below. I wanted to share my (not so) secret site with all of you so you can create your own and get inspired! I'd love to see what you create!
I will be posting fashion, home decor, design & inspiration boards I create on this blog; so stay tuned & create some of your own!
Show me your vision boards & see more of mine: HaileyGrace12