Mini Mid-week Post: October Obsession

Yes, this is another Autumn themed post for you, can you tell I love it? In my defense, it is officially October today, my favorite season of all! This is a small & simple representation of a few of my favorite things about this season. Let me know if you love Fall and are excited for chilly nights, sweaters, lattes, and the start of the holiday season!

P.S - Speaking of sweaters, stay tuned for different outfit posts on how I style them! :) 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Have a lovely day! XOXO

Mini Midweek Post: Easter Fun & Birthday Preview

I had a really fun weekend with Easter festivities, my birthday celebration (blog post to come on event planning) and of course my birthday itself! A very busy weekend filled with fun, friends, family, and laughter! Here are a few snippets of my weekend I wanted to share! :) 

How cool does that water look from the dye?! 

This is an awesome recreation photo from when I was about 7 or 8 with a few of my cousins! 

Here's a little sneak peek of my upcoming blog post on my 1920's themed golden birthday celebration! :D

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed & had a lovely holiday!
Have a lovely day!! XOXO