Mini Mid-week Post: October Obsession

Yes, this is another Autumn themed post for you, can you tell I love it? In my defense, it is officially October today, my favorite season of all! This is a small & simple representation of a few of my favorite things about this season. Let me know if you love Fall and are excited for chilly nights, sweaters, lattes, and the start of the holiday season!

P.S - Speaking of sweaters, stay tuned for different outfit posts on how I style them! :) 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Have a lovely day! XOXO

Happy First Week of Autumn

I am always inspired and excited when the leaves begin to change. The air becomes crisp and the evenings become cozy.

Beacuase this is my absolute favorite season & always has been, I wanted to share a few Autumn pictures that my mom and I took a couple of years ago. These are still pictures that bring a smile to my face and make my fall-loving heart happy! 

So snuggle up with a cup of coffee and hop aboard the Fall Obsessed Train...

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!!

Have a lovely day! XOXO